
2009 Season Summary

Played 23, won 12, lost 9, 2 abanonded, 2 cancelled.

A slow start to the season in terms of wins, but overall good wins v old californians, beechams, wandsworth, superstars, garrison made up for loses v elmbridge, richmond, harrow and thames trains. magdalen yet another wash out mid game, as was westminster. one a piece with parkmen. a large win v new team epsom and ewell. player stats to follow. an often cloudy, grey, sometimes damp, windy season, but we did have a handful of true summer evenings. our last 15 overs of play for the season involved fielding in the drizzle, wicketless and defeated, but that would be very unfair to use as a picture to sum up the season. There have been some fine match winning innings, great catches, top bowling performances and all round team efforts. And throughout, weve all had a laugh, most of the time.

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